NoEstimates as a starting point

“#NoEstimates” is a hashtag I use in Twitter to connect up with like-minded people working in software development (business people, managers, developers, “stakeholders”) who are interested in exploring issues that seem to be related to estimates.  The hashtag itself is merely a hashtag. A way for interested folks to gather.

The power of the “#NoEstimates” hashtag to fulfill my goal to “connect up with like-minded people” has been phenomenal.  I haven’t counted the number of people I’ve been able to meet (both on-line or in person) but I’m pretty certain it is in the hundreds, and perhaps more than a thousand.

My intention here is to maintain this blog as a collection of articles, links to other resources like blogs, articles, videos, conference sessions, and whatever other things I find that are interesting to me in relation to “#NoEstimates”.

To me “No Estimates” is just a one possible starting point – it just happens to be one that has gotten a lot of attention.  There are many other possible starting points about things that could be better in the world of software development.  It is not my intention to cover those things here.  If they come up, I’ll try to point them out, but it isn’t my focus for this blog.

Overall, I think that working in the world of software development can be much better than what most people experience. I love programming software, and I love working with teams to create great projects that deliver a lot of value and usefulness.  In a larger sense, I want to work in an industry where people can excel at their work, and in their lives.  I think the software development industry can be that way.


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